Slaka parish catechetical record 1837-43


Slaka parish catechetical record 1837-43 (AI:8, page 99)

Naterstads ägor
Lifgr:Torpet No 46
2dra Reg: v.Stångs comp.

V. Corp. Anders Nestor [second corporal]
born in Krigsberg 1796 13/2 (that parish is called Kristberg nowadays - "krig" means war)
Moved in from Linköping in 1821
Migration certificate number 14
Smallpox: n. (not sure what "n." means)
Reads from book: a
Luther's Catechesis: a
[Luther's] explanations: bc

H. Anna Lisa Nilsdr [Wife Anna Lisa Nilsdotter]
Born in Skeda 1798 15/8
Smallpox: n. (not sure what "n." means - perhaps not vaccinated)
Reads from book: ab
Luther's Catechesis: ab
[Luther's] explanations: b
Begrepp [concept?]: a

Son Albrecht
Born in Slaka 1823 17/11
Smallpox: v (suppose that means "check", i.e. vaccinated)
Reads from book: a
Luther's Catechesis: a
[Luther's] explanations: a
Begrepp [concept?]: a

Dot Josephina Albertina (Dot is short for dotter=daughter)
Born in Slaka 1832 30/7 (Ibm is short for ibidem, latin for "the same")
Smallpox: v
Reads from book: ab
Luther's Catechesis: ab

D: Johanna Carolina
Born in Slaka 1832 30/7
Smallpox: v
Reads from book: a
Luther's Catechesis: a

Son Carl Gustaf
Born in Slaka 1835 4/9
Smallpox: v

D Christina Elisabeth
Born in Slaka 1838 14/10

Dot Lovisa
Born in Slaka 1841 10/4

Bivistat förhören och begått den H. Nattv. [Attended the examinations and committed the Holy Communion (both mandatory by law)]
Särskildte Anteckningar [Particular Notes] just say that Josephina Albertina and Johanna Carolina were twins.